Jack Greenwood portfolio review

Yesterday, I attended a portfolio review with Jack Greenwood.
Jack has published various books with photo publishing press organisations such
as Tide press and is currently completing a master’s degree in fine Art.

Jack looked through my ‘Seeking out Euphoria’ photobook in
detail. He found my NHS slipcase engaging and discussed how the images all
worked well together despite being different photo formats. He didn’t know a
lot about Transgender people and found that the images gave him more insight
into the life of a Transgender person and made him want to know more. We discussed
how to go forward with the book and how to contact and collaborate with press
agencies to publish my book.

We also discussed his experience as a graduate and his
current master’s degree. Jack studied photography at degree level but chose to
do his MA in Art as he wanted a better understanding of different practices
such as sculpting and painting. I am graduating from university very soon and have
been wanting to get into teaching so speaking to Jack about his experience
completing his PGCE before his master’s gave me more insight into how to get
into teaching and to consider his advice which was to apply for the master’s before
the PGCE. Jack expressed how as he has gotten older; he finds that he doesn’t
have as much time for himself anymore which prevented him from applying for the
Masters. This is something that I will be taking into consideration when deciding
what course to apply for as a graduate.

Overall, my portfolio review with Jack gave me more
information into how to publish my book in the future and work with press
agencies and also what to think about when deciding what courses to apply for
as a graduate. 

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